Loud and Proud

Reproduced with kind permission from Dr P’s X account: @Psychgirl211

This is not a joke. This is not a picture from Comic Relief. This is Dr Rob Agnew, Chair of the British Psychological Society’s Sexualities Section personifying the calamitous decline of psychology as a profession in the UK. Indeed, in its newly revised 2024 guidelines, the BPS is still directing psychologists to World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care 8 guidelines. Soc 8 pushes for 'Eunuch' as a gender identity. This is the 'nullification' of ALL sexual characteristics. That's castration to you and me. As psychologists, a core part of our practice is reformulation, that is changing our intervention strategy when new information is received. Thanks to the incredible work of Mia Hughes we now know that WPATH is nothing more than a vaingloriously monikered trans activist pressure group, masquerading as a professional association.

The new information is in: We've had the Cass Review; we've had the WPATH Files.

Yet the British Psychological Society will not reformulate. Like a bug stuck in amber, it refuses to shift from its path of blind allegiance to increasingly discredited gender ideology. The BPS has traduced the reputation of UK psychology. By not taking a firm stance against the illogicality, venality and destructiveness of gender ideology, it has no doubt contributed to the ruination of countless lives.

The British Psychological Society is not fit for purpose. People like the be-clowned Dr Agnew with his stripy socks and Jimmy Savile glasses have dragged our profession into the gutter. Dr Agnew has forgotten that psychologists are not meant to be 'allies', marching in pride parades.

Psychologists are meant to be impartial, objective empathetic professionals whose job is to guide clients towards a resolution of their psychological distress.

I have given up my BPS membership and I urge others to do so too. (you don't need it to practice). The BPS is running with a huge deficit, so maybe they will respond if enough psychologists do the same. As my Caribbean mum used to say as she was clipping me around the ear, "if you can't hear, you must feel". We UK psychologists must make the British Psychological Society feel our anger and disgust at their obdurate, rainbow-garlanded irresponsibility and their utter lack of concern for anyone who needs non-partisan, unbiased help from a psychologist.

Dr P @Psychgirl211