Reproduced by kind permission of Psychreg
Broadcast 9 July 2024
Letter to The Times, 4 July 2024
New standards put EDI at the heart of Clinical Psychology Training
Here are The British Psychological Society’s (BPS) new draft Clinical Psychology Accreditation Standards which set out the required learning outcomes for clinical psychology doctoral courses in the UK.
These new standards put Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at the very heart of clinical psychology training, while trying to give the impression that they are promoting clinical excellence. The BPS recently held a public consultation on these standards that very few members of the public knew about until two days before the deadline.
You can read more about the BPS public consultation here. Critical Therapy Antidote have also written here about the possible reasons the BPS may have been reluctant to invite feedback from the public.
Amy Gallagher and Dr Carole Sherwood on Free Speech Nation
with Andrew Doyle on GB News
Click on image above to view New Culture Forum documentary
Trigger warnings; safe spaces; microaggressions; unconscious bias and the lived experience: the language of therapy is now used widely and indiscriminately. We live in a time where stoicism and rationality are seen as antiquated, harmful even.
Instead we are encouraged to normalise eccentricities and perversions, or endlessly focussing on our needs, our emotions, self-care and our inner child. And yet more and more of us are looking at our culture and society and feel like we are observing a psychiatric ward. Male rapists in women's prisons; racial segregation in schools; the censorship of books; and the rewriting of history. “The world's gone mad” many of us cry.
But do we even know what madness is anymore? Have our mental health professionals got our best interests at heart? Is sanity still the goal or, instead, has the psychiatric profession become a battleground for warring versions of reality with the patient sacrificed and made a casualty of the cause?
Amy Gallagher, psychiatric nurse and psychotherapist, commentator and founder of
‘Stand Up to Woke’