A significant win for James Esses!

14 August 2024

Save Mental Health is delighted to announce that James Esses,
who was expelled from his psychotherapy course at the Metanoia Institute,
has agreed a settlement with them.


Here is his announcement:

Having been expelled from my Masters’ degree in Psychotherapy over 3 years ago, after speaking out about the impact of gender ideology on child safeguarding, I am extremely pleased to announce that I have agreed a settlement with the Metanoia Institute.

Metanoia have published a statement, recognising that gender critical beliefs are valid professional therapeutic beliefs:


They accept that I was trying to protect children. They accept breaching policy. They apologise to me and state that this will never happen to another student.

Finally, after having the vocation I loved so much snatched away from me, and the years of abuse that have followed, I feel vindicated.

This, coupled with the outcome of my litigation against the UK Council for Psychotherapy, means that I have closure at last.

More importantly, I hope that this outcome will ensure that educational institutes think twice before doing to another student what was done to me.

I must thank my incredible legal team, Peter Daly and Akua Reindorf, who have been by my side every step of the way.

Finally, I would like to thank each and every one of you who supported me in my fight and donated to my crowdfund. I very literally could not have done it without you. I will remain eternally grateful to you all.

I will now take stock and reflect on my future life plans. However, please know that, whatever direction my career may take, I will never stop fighting for the wellbeing of children and the preservation of biological reality.


This is a very important win for James.  The decision he took to safeguard children and put their welfare first, has been vindicated.  He has, though, paid a high price for taking this position.  James lost his training place and has been unable to pursue his chosen career in psychotherapy.  He has also been subjected to repeated and vicious online abuse for taking a stand against gender identity ideology.  Regardless of these attacks, James has stood firm and resolute throughout.  Well done James and many congratulations to you and your legal team. 

As James warns, all training institutions must take note of this result and act accordingly.  It is wrong that both gender and race ideology are being imposed on students.  At Save Mental Health we know that students are being silenced and suspended for not conforming to these worldviews.  This is completely unethical and incompatible with therapeutic practice.

As Metanoia admit in their statement: “Notwithstanding the fact that high-quality therapy is rooted in empathy, active listening and unconditional positive regard, we did not fulfil these values in our treatment of Mr Esses.”   It is time for training institutions to start listening to their students.  They also need to reflect on the fact that to be therapeutic means to be non-judgemental, open-minded, tolerant of alternative perspectives and showing compassion to all, not just to favoured groups.