Urgent Request

28 March 2024

Dear Supporter,

We hope you can help us with this urgent request.

The British Psychological Society is holding a public consultation on new standards for clinical psychology training programmes.  The consultation started on 1st March and the deadline is in in two days on Saturday 30th March.  The document is 98 pages long and it is an attempt to further entrench Critical Social Justice (woke) ideology into clinical psychology training programmes.

It seems that the BPS has done very little, if anything, to inform the public about this consultation. 

Here is a link to the document if you would like to read it:


We are asking if you could send a brief email to The British Psychological Society’s Partnership Accreditation Team: pact@bps.org.uk

telling them that you have only just heard about this public consultation and asking them to extend the deadline. 

Hopefully, if enough people contact them, they will extend the deadline and give us all a chance to examine the document and submit feedback.

If you can do this for us, we would be extremely grateful. 

With many thanks and wishing you all a very Happy Easter,


Dr Carole Sherwood