BPS Result!

5pm, 28 March 2024

Dear Supporter,

The BPS have bowed to pressure from Save Mental Health supporters.  They have just announced on X that they are extending the deadline for their public consultation to Thursday 4 April 2024.

Very many thanks to those of you who contacted the BPS to request an extension.  They have listened to you.   This is people power in action and a modest first victory for Save Mental Health. 

If you wish to take part in the BPS public consultation the link is below. Scroll down to download the document and submit feedback:


It is for you to decide what, if any, feedback you wish to give but you may find it helpful to consider the following sections of the document:

p.4 Introduction – which explains what the document is about

p.5 Sustainability

p.8 Inequality and Inequity in Clinical Psychology

pp12-14 Foundational Programme Standards: Equality, Equity, Anti-discrimination, Inclusion

Thank you, once again for your valued support.

With best wishes,

Dr Carole Sherwood