10 March 2024

Dear Supporters, 

Thank you for signing up to Save Mental Health!  We have had a great response and it’s good to know how many people care about what is happening to mental health services and training in the UK.  Many of you have sent personal messages for which we thank you.  It may take a while to reply due to the high volume of messages.  Please bear with us. 

If you haven’t done so already, please watch Amy Gallagher’s excellent documentary ‘Trans, Racist, and Woke: How Psychology Went MAD’, the latest in the New Culture Forum’s ‘Heresies’ series.



Earlier this week The WPATH Files were published.  Mia Hughes reports on internal messages, leaked by a whistle-blower, from an internal forum of doctors and mental health workers at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Here is Michael Shellenberger of Environmental Progress, talking about WPATH and the report’s findings.

Andrew Doyle will devote tonight’s edition of Free Speech Nation on GB News at 7pm to the WPATH files.

You can watch it here.

Hannah Barnes, author of Time to Think: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Tavistock’s Gender Service for Children writes in the Observer that WPATH’s guidelines have influenced the British Medical Association, the General Medical Council, The Royal College of Psychiatrists and gender clinics in England and Scotland.  Barnes warns:

It is difficult to see how the Department of Health’s assertion that NHS England “moved away from WPATH guidelines more than five years ago” holds.


 Critical Therapy Antidote

Those of you working in the mental health professions might like to know about Critical Therapy Antidote, a membership organisation devoted to protecting the healing ethos of traditional therapies.  It was co-founded by Dr Val Thomas, who played a prominent role in Amy Gallagher’s documentary.  Here is the CTA podcast. 

Cynical Therapies

Val Thomas is also editor of Cynical Therapies: Perspectives on the Antitherapeutic Nature of Critical Social Justice 

“A clarion call to those therapists trying to resist the ideological capture of their profession.” Joanna Williams, Spiked

Bad Therapy

Abigail Shrier, author of Irreversible Damage has just released her new book Bad Therapy: Why Kids Aren’t Growing Up. Here she is talking about her book at the Free Speech Union